SHE SUCCEED / Success Stories
Figure 1: Ghada Tawasheh
Ghada Tawasheh, 28 years old, from Gaza . Ghada received the entrepreneurship training from MA’AN Development Center, in 2020 at SHE SUCCEED Project. Learned how to mobilize her talent in making Handicrafts, enhanced her skills in business management and her business plan for a successful business, where she finally succeeded in securing a fund to start her own business through her developed pitching skills. “ I advise every women to reveal her entrepreneurial skills and use it to find her business opportunity, to create a job opportunity for herself and other youth instead of being trapped in traditional job seeking” - Ghada Says.
Figure 2: Amani Al Qara
Amani Al Qara, 29 years old from Gaza. Amani participated in the female entrepreneurship training Provided by MA’AN under SHE SUCCEED Project, where she developed her technical skills in business ideation and planning. Amani applied for a fund under SHE SUCCEED at the Agricultural Association/ PARC and successfully started her own business by extracting natural oils from aromatic plants such as Alovera, lavender, sage, mint, thyme, rosemary…etc. resorting to natural medical prescription treatment.
On the other hand, she was able to develop her life skills and joined many training programs provided by MA’AN Development Center . She started trainer in life skills and mentor to environmental businesses in Gaza Strip.
“My experience was the most beautiful that I could remember during my life, I felt that I had the ability to change the reality and make a different future for me and my family. I had a chance to feel that I am able to accomplish a lot. All thanks to those who supported my journey and I Am proud to one of the female entrepreneurs at SHE SUCCEED Project which was and will be one of the most supportive programs for female entrepreneurs”. Amani says.
Figure 3: Fatima Al Zatmeh - Entrepreneur- ICe Cream project "It's Me"
Fatima Al Zatmeh, 25 years old, from Gaza. A diploma student in the entrepreneurship TEVT grants Program provided by SHE SUCCEED Project at Gaza University. Fatima chose to challenge the difficult economic reality in the Palestinian territories, by establishing a shop that sells ice cream that she makes herself, under the name (It's Me. Fatima was the first girl in the Gaza Strip to establish a shop that sells soft drinks and juices,Thai ice cream was also the first to be produced in the Strip. "I love my project despite the difficulties and challenges facing me because it is distinctive and expresses my being. I found consumers attracted to my business idea because it is healthy. I aspire to make it better and bigger and create a brand name in the market” Fatima said.
Figure 4: May Sinan - Entrepreneur
May Sinan, 29 years old from Jenin. Received a training in entrepreneurship and Training of trainers at SHE SUCCEED Project. She developed her skills in business planning and life skills. May was inspired to start her own business during the COVID-19 Pandemic by understanding the market needs and mobilizing her own resources. “ I never thought in my life that I would start an agricultural business, but in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic and through MA’AN development Center trainings , I was inspired to create an Alovera Hand Sanitizer product from the resources available around me by growing Alovera plant in my home yard, I called it “ Miss Veera” . On the other hand, through the TOT, I have developed my skills as a trainer on a wider scale. Now it is providing me a better income and Greater self-confidence” May said.