Org. Structure


MA’AN Organizational Structure

MA'AN’s organizational structure consists of  the governance and management.
The governance consists of three layers:
1.      General Assembly
2.      Board of Directors
3.      The BoD subcommittees

1. General Assembly

MA’AN’s 67 member General Assembly governs MA’AN’s policies and strategies.  It determines MA’AN’s general objectives and sets strategic targets.  The General Assembly members are experts in fields such as economics, agriculture, business, community development, computer science, women’s studies, health, accounting, sociology, demography, engineering, sociology, education, international law and history.  MA’AN’s General Assembly members come from diverse geographical locations and sectors within Palestine.  Most members also have extensive experience in the NGO sector.

2. Board of Directors

Elected by the General Assembly every two years, the Board of Directors consists of nine members: the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and five other members.  The Director-General attends the meetings, but does not vote.  The Board of Directors is mandated to set short-term objectives and supervise the operations of MA’AN Center.  The Board, which meets on a monthly basis, works closely with the Director-General in accomplishing MA’AN’s mission.
Members of the Board are listed below:
Ms Luna Saadeh, Chairperson
Mr. Maher Safi, Vice Chairperson
Mr. Saif Aldeen A. Al DeekTreasurer
Mr. Mohammad Nosaibeh, Secretary
Mr. Ibrahim Al Shatli, Vice Treasurer
Ms. Manal ALnajjar, Member
Ms. Arij Anabtawi, Member
Ms. Nazek Anabtawi, Member
Ms. Nadine Bader Al Deen, Member
Mr. Sami Khader, Director-General (non-Member status) 

3. The BoD subcommittees

 - Recruitment Committee

Based on MA’AN recruitment policies and procedures, the purpose of the Recruitment Committee of the Board of Directors is to recruit for any position that the center may need. The Committee consists of the Board Chair and another member of the Board, the Director General and the unit or program officer in which the new staff will be positioned. In some cases MA’AN can ask for an outside specialist/ expert to participate in the interviews and recruitment process.

- Financial Committee

The committee consists of the Board Chair, the Treasurer, and another BoD member, in addition to the Director General and the Finance Officer. The Treasurer acts as the Chair of the committee; in the event where the Treasurer is absent, the Chairperson act as the Chair. The Finance Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for all financial issues and assists the Board in its oversight of:

- the adequacy of MA’AN’s internal controls, financial reporting process, and the integrity of the MA’AN’s financial statements;

- the performance of the MA’AN’s internal auditors ("Internal Audit") and the qualifications, independence and performance of the MA’AN’s external independent auditor

- MA’AN’s compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

- Working with staff to establish a fundraising plan that incorporates a series of appropriate vehicles, such as special events, direct mail, product sales, etc.

- working with the resource development staff in their efforts to raise money

- Ensuring the effective implementation of the procurement policies and procedures

MA'AN Organizational Structure